Guide to NARA Collection

Social Security Textual Records in NARA II

Researching Social Security History at the National Archives-
SSA's Filing Codes- PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Category

Sub-Level Headings for 600 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Category
610 State Legislation
620 Federal-State Relations
630 Finance
640 Statistics and Studies
650 Personnel
660 State Administration
670 Operating Standards and Practices

600 General
600.01 Assistance in rural areas
600.02 Assistance in urban areas
600.03 Terminology
600.04 Effect of other programs on Public Assistance
600.05 Historical development of welfare program
600.1 Aid to special groups
600.11 Racial groups
600.111 Indians
600.112 Mexicans
600.113 Negroes
600.12 Non-settled persons
600.121 Transients
600.122 Vagrants
600.13 Veterans
600.131 Confederate
600.14 Aliens
600.15 Physically handicapped
600.2 General relief
600.21 Urban areas
600.211 Intercity exchange
600.22 Rural areas
600.3 Work relief
600.31 W.P.A.
600.32 N.Y.A.
600.33 C.C.C.
600.4 Security program
600.5 Other assistance programs
600.51 Townsend plan
600.52 Cooperative homes for aged
601 Health and welfare
601.1 Blindness (Prevention, treatment, etc.)
601.11 Causes
601.2 Medical care
601.21 Basis (Laws, rules and regulations)
601.22 Eligibility
601.23 Payments
601.24 Services and supplies
601.3 Child welfare services
601.31 Crippled children
601.4 Maternal welfare services
601.5 Vocational rehabilitation
601.51 Blind
601.52 Deaf
602 Protest and criticism
603 Reports (Append to subject)
604 Related plan material (Append to subject)
605 Aged (Append to subject)
606 Blind (Append to subject)
607 Dependent children (Append to subject)
608 Fourth category

610 State Legislation
610 State Legislation
610.2 Opinions of the State Attorney General
610.3 Draft Bills
610.4 General Counsel's opinions
610.5 Legislative digest
610.6 Legislative review
613 Litigation
613.1 Court decisions

620 Federal-State Relations
620 Federal-State Relations
620.1 Conferences
620.11 Statistical
620.2 Document exchange
620.21 Forms supplied to State Agencies
620.3 State Contacts
620.4 Administrative surveys
620.5 Transmittal letters and memoranda
620.6 Administrative review
620.61 Operating plans
620.611 Schedules
620.62 State
620.621 Local
621 Plans
621.001 Plan application docket
621.002 Plan intact
621.01 Bulletins
621.02 Opinions of the State Attorney General and Court Decisions
621.03 Manuals
621.04 Forms
621.05 Rules and regulations
621.06 Publications and reports
621.1 General
621.2 Organization
621.3 Personnel
621.31 Classification and compensation
621.311 Classification
621.312 Compensation
621.4 Standards and practices
621.5 Finance
621.51 Allocation of administrative costs
621.6 Reporting and research
621.7 Laws
621.8 Conformity with the Federal Act
621.81 Federal Hearings
623 Field Reports
623.1 Public Assistance Representatives
623.2 Research Consultants
623.3 Personnel Methods Consultants
624 Rules and Regulations
625 Forms, Instructions, Bulletins, and Manuals
625.1 Forms and instructions
625.2 Bulletins
625.3 Manuals
626 Accounts and Audits Opinions

630 Finance
630 Finance
631 Grants (Append category)
631.01 Merit system
631.02 Grant approvals
631.1 State grant request
631.2 Audit
631.201 Merit system
631.21 Cooperation between State and Federal auditors
631.22 Availability of records for Federal audit
631.23 Audit and claims settlement
631.231 Audit by other State Agency
631.3 Federal matching
631.31 Formulas
631.4 Federal Participation
633.113 Bank service charge
633.114 Liability and property costs
633.115 Rent
633.116 Retirement
633.117 Travel costs
631.5 Expenditure statements
632 Financial Planning
632.1 Allocation and allotment
632.2 Budgeting
632.3 Equalization
633 Financial responsibility
633.1 Distribution of costs
633.11 Administrative expenses
633.111 Methods of determination
633.1111 Time studies
633.112 Merit system costs
633.2 Appropriations
633.3 Source of revenue
633.4 Voluntary county contributions
633.5 Trust funds
634 Accounting
634.1 Accrual of balances from Federal funds
635 Payments
635.01 Distributions of payments
635.1 Adequacy of payments
635.2 Endorsements
635.3 Methods
635.4 Payee
635.41 Deceased recipients
635.5 Prior to establishment of eligibility
635.6 Recoveries, refunds, and collections
635.7 Restricted
635.8 Retroactive

640 Statistics and Studies
640 Statistics and Studies
641 Statistics
642 Summaries and analyses
643 Studies
643.1 Case census

650 Personnel
650 Personnel
650.1 Advisory services
650.11 Committees or councils
650.12 Consultants
650.2 Records and forms
650.3 Authorization and approval of salaries and expenses
651 Standards
651.1 Merit system supervisor or head of civil service commission and staff
651.2 Merit system reviews and surveys
652 Basis of personnel administration
653 Classification and compensation plan
654 Entrance into service
654.1 Recruitment
654.2 Examinations
654.21 Announcements
654.22 Registers
654.23 Test qualifications
654.3 Appointments
654.31 Emergency
654.32 Exempt positions

660 State Administration
660 State Administration
660.1 Licensing of boarding homes 
661.01  Staff meetings
661.02  Directory
661.03  Field reporting
 661.1 Governmental setting
661.2 Authorities, duties and functions
661.21 Cooperation with other agencies and officials
661.3 Direction (including board meetings)
661.4 Organization
661.5 Interstate relations
661.6 Local agencies
661.61 Governmental setting
661.62 Authorities, duties and functions
661.621 Cooperation with other agencies and officials
661.63 Direction
661.64 Organization
661.65 Intercounty relations
662.1 Press contacts
662.2 Press releases
662.3 Group contacts
662.31 Radio
662.32 Speechcs and speaker's service
662.33 Visual education
662.4 Publications
663 EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, AND SERVICES (Equipment, supplies, heating, lighting, printing and duplicating, rent, etc.)
664.1 Availability of records
664,2 Preservation of records
664.3 Case recording and records form
664.4 Clearance, use, and protection of case data
664.41 Exchange of information
664.411 Social service exchanges
664.412 Inter-agency exchange of information
664.4121 Old-age and Survivors Insurance
664.4122 Veterans Administration
664.413 Interstate exchange of information

670 Operating Standards and Practices
670 Operating Standards and Practices
671.1 Intake procedure 
671.11  Limitation on acceptance of cases
671.111  Waiting lists
671.12 Reapplications 
671.2   Investigative standards and practices
671.3 Case decision and notification
671.4 Reinvestigation
672.1 Need 
672.11 Standards of assistance 
672.111 Budgeting and other methods 
672.112 Property and income
672.1121 Limitations and restrictions
672.1122 Recoveries, liens, and assignments
672.113 Responsibility of relatives 
672.2 Age
672.3 Citizenship
672.4 Residence
672.5 Institutional care
672.51 Public institutions
672.52 Private institutions and boarding homes
672.53 Parolles
672.531 Mental institutions
672.532 Penal institutions
672.6 Blindness
672.7 Factors affecting children
672.71 Continued absence from home
672.711 Absence of men in armed forces
672.712 Absence of men in employment
672.72 Deprivation of parental support
672.73 Legitimacy of children
672.74 Relatives with whom a child may live
672.75 Suitable homes
672.76 Unborn children
673.1 Old-Age and Survivors Insurance cases
674.1 Decsions
675.1 Burials
675.2 Certification to other Federal Agencies (WPA, CCC, NYA, Federal Surplus Commodities, etc.)
675.3 Food stamp plan
675.4 Surplus Commodities