Advisory Councils & Commissions

Over the years there have been numerous Advisory Councils and special Commissions studying the Social Security and Medicare programs. We have some papers of four of those special groups.

Papers of the Greenspan Commission

The National Commission on Social Security Reform (informally known as the Greenspan Commission after its Chairman) was appointed by the Congress and the President in 1981 to study and make recommendations regarding the short-term financing crisis that Social Security faced at that time. Estimates were that the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund would run out of money possibly as early as August 1983. This bipartisan Commission was to make recommendations to Congress on how to solve the problems facing Social Security. Their report, issued in January 1983, became the basis for the 1983 Social Security Amendments which resolved the short-term financing problem and made many other significant changes in Social Security law.

The Executive Staff Director to the Greenspan Commission was the former long-time Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, Robert J. Myers. As part of his work for the Commission, Mr. Myers developed actuarial estimates for a wide variety of potential policy changes. The papers available here are Mr. Myers' own files on these various actuarial estimates.

Filing Cabinet #1
Advisory Council - 1981
Executive Order & Advance Media
NCSSR - Items on Progress - 1982
OACT Memos/Pre-NCSSR #1
OACT Memos/Pre-NCSSR #2
Reagan Admin. 5/81 Proposals
Trust Fund Investments
Trustees Report - 1982
NCSSR - Budget
NCSSR - Confidential Memos
NCSSR - Correspondence with Greenspan
NCSSR - Coverage of Feds
NCSSR - General Memos
NCSSR - Items on Success & After - 1983
NCSSR - Letters of Commendation
NCSSR - Letters to Commission
NCSSR - Letters to Myers
NCSSR - Memos from Members
NCSSR - Minutes of Meetings
NCSSR - Numbered Memos

Filing Cabinet #2
NCSSR - OACT Memos #1
NCSSR - OACT Memos #2
NCSSR - Official Documents
NCSSR - Outside Correspondence
NCSSR - Papers by Visiting "Experts"
NCSSR - Proposals by Members
NCSSR - Schedules (Myers)
NCSSR - Staff Memos
NCSSR - Unnumbered Memos
NCSSR - Various Statements
Congressional Record 1983 Act
Senate Finance Commission Memos - 1983
Transcript of Commission Meeting 5/10/82
Transcript of Commission Meeting 6/19/82
Transcript of Commission Meeting 6/21/82
Transcript of Commission Meeting 11/11/82
Transcript of Commission Meeting 11/12/82
Transcript of Commission Meeting 11/13/82

Papers of the 1989 Disability Advisory Committee

In 1989 the Commissioner of SSA, Dorcas R. Hardy, commissioned a group to study the disability program and advise her ways to improve the hearings and appeals process for disability claims. These are the background papers from that project.

Filing Cabinet #1
(not yet processed)

Filing Cabinet #2
(not yet processed)

Filing Cabinet #3
(not yet processed)

Filing Cabinet #4
(not yet processed)

Filing Cabinet #5
(not yet processed)

Papers of the 1990-1991 Advisory Council

A provision of Social Security Act required an Advisory Council on Social Security every 4 years to review the status of the Social Security Trust Funds and their relationship to their long-term commitments. This provision was repealed under the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994.

The 1990-1991 Council focused on Medicare.

File Cabinet #1

ACSS August 1989
ACSS SS Agenda- 1989
ACSS- July 26 & 27
ACSS Sept. 10 & 11
ACSS April 1991
ACSS March 1991
ACSS Material
ACSS Task Line
Advisory Council Income Security Health Financing
Advisory Council Board Expert Panel on Income Security and Health Care Financing
Advisory Council Expert Panel on Future of Health Care
Advisory Council Expert Meeting- Income Financing Advisory Council on Social Security Health Care Financing
1991 Advisory on Social Security Technical Panel Report

File Cabinet #2

Advisory Council Letter May 1991 (Mr. Wheeler)
Advisory Council (Misc)
Advisory Council Panel Report
Advisory Council Tapes
Advisory Council Technical Panel
1991 Advisory Council Report on Medicare Projections
1991 Advisory Council Interim Report
Agendas July 1990
Albuquerque, NM 5/22/91
Atlanta Letters
Albuquerque, NM 5/22/91
Atlanta, Georgia

File Cabinet #3

Atlanta, Georgia 1/31/91
Alzheimer’s/ Care giving
American Medical Association Statement
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Appointment letters
Appreciation Letters for Materials
Atlanta, Georgia
Audiotape National Health Council 3/9/90
Audiotapes (6)
Beneficiaries Age 39-61 in 1993
Biography Dan Coats
Biographical Statements
Blue Cross Blue Shield Appointment with Congress
Book- On Borrowed Time
Book: Record
Briefing Materials
Briefing Materials Fifth Meeting March 1990
Briefing Materials 6th Meeting May 1990
Briefing Materials 6th Meeting May 1990
Briefing Materials- 7th meeting- June 1990
Briefing Materials- 10th meeting - Dec. 1990

File Cabinet # 4
Briefing Materials 10th Meeting
Briefing Materials -Health Technical Panel June, 1990
Briefing Materials- Health Technical Panel June, 1990
Briefing Materials- Health Technical Panel June, 1990
Briefing Materials Health Technical Panel July 1990
Briefing Materials Health Technical Panel July 1990
Briefing Materials Health Technical Panel August 1990
Briefing Materials Health Technical Panel October 1990
Briefing Materials 4th Meeting Feb. 1990 13
Briefing Materials 13th Meeting December 1991
Briefing Materials 14th Meeting December 1991Briefing Materials- 3rd Meeting 1989
Briefing Materials 7th meeting June
Briefing Materials 1990 8th meeting
Budget (General)
1991 Budget
1992 Budget

File Cabinet #5
Center for Health Affairs
Chicago Hearing
Chicago IL 8/7/90
Children with Aids
1983 Chron files (State and Local)
Cobb County Senior Services
Community & Home Options to Institutional Care for Elderly and Disabled 1989 Annual Report Congressional Record July 1990 101st Congress
Constituent Correspondence
Correspondence Files
Council member info
Data and projections chapter
Data chapter, April
Data for creating LTC file
Data on “Total Burden” on Social Welfare Expenditures
Discussed Material July 1990
Distribution tables
DS & JC Comments

File Cabinet # 6
Economists of Prevention
Ellicott J. Arbogast Biography
ETP 3/7/91 Chicago
Expert Panel: Charter
Expert Panel directory
Expert Panel on the Future of Income Security and Health Care Financing
Financial Accounting Series Standards No. 106
Franciscan Sisters of Mary Health Care Issues
FR Notice 3-28
Guide to clinical preventative services
Health Care Financing System
Health Care Issues Sept. 1990
Health Financing Exercise Dec. 1990
Health Technical Panel Meeting October 1990
Health Technical Panel Dec. 1990
Homayoun J. Motlagh
Hospital programs

File Cabinet # 7
Income Security and Health Care: Economic Implications 1991-2020
Indianapolis Hearing
Indianapolis 8/17/90 12
Information on Potential Members and Member names A-B

File Cabinet # 8
Information on Potential Members and Member names B-C

File Cabinet #9
Information on Potential Members and Member names D-H

File Cabinet #10
Information on Potential Members and Member names H-V

File Cabinet #11
Information on Potential Members and Member names V-Z
John C. Lewin, Hawaii Department of Health
Key assumptions
Legislative Proposals 12th Meeting 1991
Letter to George Bush (1991)
Long Term Insurance Plan
Manchester Hearing
Manchester, NH 9/27/90
Medicare Waiver Request for Gamimune

File Cabinet #12
Michael Bishop, M.D. - Indiana State Medical Association
Misc. - Health Services
Misc. - Health Services
Misc. - Health Services
Newt Gingrich letter
OEI Inspection Reports
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation
1990 Outgoing correspondence
1991 Outgoing correspondence
Payor Policies
Paying for Preventative Care: Moving the Debate Forward
Pensions Project Files
Press Releases
Project schedule
Provider Reimbursement Review Board May 1991
Provider Reimbursement Review Board September 1990
File Cabinet #13
Provider Reimbursement Review Board September 1990
Provider Reimbursement Review Board October 1990
Provider Reimbursement Review Board December 1990
Questionnaires 1979 Survey- National Commission on Social Security
San Diego, CA 1/14/91
San Diego, CA 2/14/91 12Speeches AASS- By Date
Seattle Hearing
Seattle, WA 9/13/90
Simulation Results
Site visit /Atlanta

File Cabinet #14
Site visit /New York
Skillman Corporation: Impact of mandated minimum health care benefits
Social Security Advisory Council Booklet March 1991
Social Security Advisory Council Booklet April 1991
Social Security Report from Adv. Council
Social Security- Health Tech Panel
Special analysis budget
St. Petersburg Fl.
Statement of Eleanor D. Kinney: Long Term Care
Sunshine Center sign-in sheet

Advisory Council 5-14-91
Advisory Council 5-14-91 Tech Panel
PRRB Advisory Council 2-15-91
PRRB Advisory Council 2-15-91 (Medical)
PRRB Advisory Council 2-15-91 (Medical Panel)
PRRB Advisory Council 2-15-91 (Interaction)

Technical Panel on Health June 1990
The Psychiatric Hospital
Transcripts of expert panel on the future of income security and health care financing
Undated Speeches
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Council Regional Hearing
U.S Department of Health and Human Services 1991 Advisory Council on Social Security 8
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1991 Advisory Council on Social Security
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Provider Reimbursement Review Board Dec. 13, 1990
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Provider Reimbursement Review Board Sept. 11, 1990
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Provider Reimbursement Review Board Dec. 11, 1990
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Provider Reimbursement Review Board Sept. 10, 1990
U.S. Senator Dan Coats Testimony “Issues and options related to health care financing reform”

File Cabinet #15
Various Drafts
Videotape- Ann LaBelle “New Mexico Horizons” Albuquerque, N.M. 5/91
Waiver forms and Letters
Wall Street Journal 1988 (Medicare)

Papers of the 1994-1996 Advisory Council

A provision of Social Security Act required an Advisory Council on Social Security every 4 years to review the status of the Social Security Trust Funds and their relationship to their long-term commitments. This provision was repealed under the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994. The Advisory Councils have been replaced by the Social Security Advisory Board.

The last Advisory Council was appointed in late 1994, continued working until 1996 and and released their final report in 1997. This Council focused on the long-range financing issues of the Social Security system.

Filing Cabinet #1
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 6/24/94
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 6/25/94
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 7/29/94
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 10/21/94
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 10/22/94
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 11/18/94
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 11/19/94
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 1/27/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 2/10/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 2/11/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 3/10/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 3/11/95

Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 4/21/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 4/22/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 5/19/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 6/2/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 6/3/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 7/27/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 7/28/95

Filing Cabinet #2
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 8/31/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 9/1/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 10/12/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 10/13/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 12/14/95
Advisory Council Meeting Transcript- 4/13/96

Transcript of Public Hearing in Austin, Texas- 9/29/94
Transcript of Public Hearing in Miami, Florida- 9/29/94
Transcript of Public Hearing in Chicago, Illionois- 9/29/94
Transcript of Public Hearing in Washington, D.C.- 3/9/95 (folder 1)
Transcript of Public Hearing in Washington, D.C.- 3/9/95 (folder 2)
Transcript of Public Hearing in Washington, D.C.- 3/9/95 (folder 3)
Background Material on D. C. Public Hearing
Background Material on D. C. Public Hearing (folder 2)- Participants

Charter & Related Materials
FACA Guidelines
Budget & Expenditures
Federal Register Notices
Invitation Acceptances

Filing Cabinet #3
Folder on Member- Ball, Robert
Folder on Member- Bok, Joan
Folder on Member- Combs, Annl
Folder on Member- Fierst, Edith
Folder on Member- Gramlich, Edward
Folder on Member- Jones, Thomas
Folder on Member- Kourpias, George
Folder on Member- Schieber, Sylvester
Folder on Member- Shea, Gerald
Folder on Member- Twinney, Marc
Folder on Member- Vargas, Fidel
Folder on Member- Weaver, Carolyn
Recommendations for Members
Folder on Johnson, Gloria
Folder on Healy, Bernadine
Resumes: Administrative & Clerical
Folder on Intern- Curabba, Nicholas
Press- General
Public Relations
Press Releases
Meeting Schedule & Council Calendar
Regional Public Hearings
Meeting Facilities
Monthly Report to Secretary
Monthly Activities Folder- May 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- June 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- July 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- August 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- September 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- October 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- November 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- December 1994
Monthly Activities Folder- January 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- February 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- March 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- April 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- May 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- June 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- July 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- August 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- September 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- October 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- November 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- December 1995
Monthly Activities Folder- January 1996
Monthly Activities Folder- February 1996

Specifications for Writer/Editor Job
Technical Panel Mailing Addresses & Fed. Ex. Receipts
Bills- Misc.
Statement of Work for Stochastic Modelling Contract
Pre-Award Administrative Materials
Post-Award Adminisrative Materials
CDB Contract Synopsis
Modelling Contract RFP
Book Purchase Receipts
Conference Bills
Technical Panel- Background Materials
Techincal Panel- Invoices for Services
Technical Panel- Meeting Arrangements & Schedules
Bills & Related Administrative Material for Meetings (folder 1)
Bills & Related Administrative Material for Meetings (folder 2)
Bills & Related Administrative Material for Meetings (folder 3)

HR & A Response to RFP
HR & A Contracts and Billings, etc.
HR & A Studies & Reports (folder 1):

  • Software & Hardware Recommendations

  • Macroeconomic and Asset Return Data Re-Analysis

  • SSASIM Model

  • Briefing on Trust-Fund Allocation Policy

  • Capital-Market, Tax and Trust-Fund Modules

  • Macroeconomic and Asset Return Data Analysis

HR & A Studies & Reports (folder 2):

  • Benefit Modules, Variable Correlations and Model Validation Results

  • SSA Benefits Model

  • Replacement Rate Model

  • Overview of SSASIM

Holmer Reports & Billings

  • Economic Results from SSASIM

  • Population Results from SSASIM

Stanton Report on Institutional Factors in Investment Policies

Filing Cabinet #4
Announcement of CATO Conference on Privatization
Senate Hearings 3/25/96
Senate Hearings 5/20/96
Joel Dickson Report on Financial Conditions Surrounding Individual Accounts
Christopher Bender: Analyses of the Gramlich Plan
Papers by Experts:
Preston & Elo "Are Educational Differentials in Adult Mortality Increasing in the U.S.?"
Kotlikoff "Privatization of Social Security: How It Works and Why it Matters"
Stanton "Institutional Factors to Consider with Respect to Proposals to Invest Social Security Funds in Equity Securities"

Clippings of Notable Press Coverage
Council Meeting Reports
Ethics Guidelines for Council Members
Economic Security 2000 Package

Letters From the Public
Minutes of Council Meetings
Summary of Council Meetings
Availability Cards for Potential Members
Requests for Nominee Approval
Meeting Agendas
Past Advisory Council Charters
Past Advisory Council Reports
Advisory Council Nominees
Advisory Council Directory of Members
Disclosure & Standards of Conduct
Suggested Background Reading:

  • 1979 Advisory Council Report

  • Legislative History & Summary of 1983 Amendments

  • "Myths My Grandpa Taught Me" by Nicholas Barr

  • 1991 Advisory Council Interim Report

  • 1994 Trustees' Reports

Agenda and Background Reading Material for 6/24-25/94 Meeting:

  • Pensions in a Changing Economy-EBRI

  • Treasury Memo "The Adequacy of Retirement Income"

  • "Going to Extremes: An International Perspective on the Economic Status of the U.S. Aged" by Smeeding, Torrey and Rainwater

  • Pension Funding and Taxation-EBRI

  • Papers on the Government's Role in Retirement Policy

Paper by Danzinger "Slow Growth & Rising Inequality"
Demographic Assumptions in the 1994 Trustees Report
Financing/Funding Approaches in Social Security
Summary of Proposals- Oct. 1994
Treasury Dept. Testimony: "Impact of Payroll Taxes on Small Business"

Presentations to the Council by Various Experts (folder 1)
Presentations to the Council by Various Experts (folder 2)
Presentations to the Council by Various Experts (folder 3)
Presentations to the Council by Various Experts (folder 4)
Presentations to the Council by Various Experts (folder 5)
Presentations to the Council by Various Experts (folder 6)
Presentations to the Council During March 1995 Meetings
Study: "Social Security Act, Selected Benefits" (5/88)
Additional Background Materials
BLS Material on CPI
Corrections to HR&A Report II
Presentation by Peggy Trout on "Adequacy & Equity"
Presentation by Chambers on "Alternative Federal Budget Treatment of Social Security"

Filing Cabinet #5
Background Papers by Chairman and Staff Director
CBO Study: "Reducing Entitlement Spending" (09/94)
Ed Gibson's Dissertation on the 94-96 Council

Misc. Press Clippings and Background Readings
Options for Taxing Social Security
Assumptions & Methods Summary
Technical Panel Presentations for March Meeting
SSI Modernization Project
Luxenburg Income Study, Burkhauser and Smeeding
EBRI Public Attitudes Survey
Modern Public Finance by Quigley and Smolensky
Presentations at the April 1995 Meeting and Background Material
White House Conference on Aging
Lawrence Portfolio Strategy Service, Weekly Economic Analysis
Gene Steurle Article "Economic Perspectives"
Material on the Gramlich and Ball Plans
Comparisons of Various Plans
Detail on Gramlich Plan
Material on Plans from 5/95 Meeting
Technical Panel Interim Executive Summary
Edith Fierst Memorandum
Kerrey/Simpson Proposal
Sylvester Schieber
Proposed Agenda for July/August
Proposed Report Outline
Material for July Meeting
Charts on Retirement at 62, 65, 68
Material on the Plans, for July '95 Meeting
"The Context" by David Lindeman
Letter from Gramlich re: Interest Rates
Edith Fierst: Pensions & FICA
Charts on Ratio of Market Value to Replacement Costs
Structure of a Personal Investment Plan
Bob Ball: Options for Consideration
Gramlich Plan at 3% and 3.8%
Rand Study: "Unequal Wealth & Incentives to Save"
Dept. of Labor Retirement Savings Education Campaign

Filing Cabinet #6
Proposals Affecting Equity and Adequacy
CRS Study on Disability
11/94 Options Paper on OASDI Actuarial Balance
Briefing on Disability Growth and Other Materials from 11/94 Meeting
Memos from SSA Actuary Steve Goss
PEBES by Sandy Crank
Paul Van de Water of CBO, "Trends in Federal Taxation and Spending"
Smeeding & Burkhauser "Household Equivalency Scales . . ."
Equivalent Retirement Age
Smeeding & Burkhauser ". . .A Budget Neutral Approach to Reducing Older Women's Risk of Poverty . . ."
Adequacy and Equity Proposals--Interim Draft
Robert Ball Letter-- January 1995
Howard Young--Assumptions & Methods Presentation
Olivia Mitchell--Technical Panel Presentation
OECD Report, "Private Pensions & Public Policy"
Article from Economist magazine, "America"
Reports & Studies from 1/95 Meeting
Schieber Study: "Retirement Income Adequacy at Risk . . ."
Study by Lettia Chambers on "Social Security Financing. . ."
Study: "Earnings Sharing for Social Security"

Earnings Sharing at Divorce/Poverty Rates for Women
Summary of Horizontal Equity Proposals
Thomas Jones Presentation--Feb. '95
Pappas, et. al. "Disparity in Mortality . . ."
Preston & Elo, "Educational Differences in Adult Mortality"
Crimmins, "Morbidity and Mortality"
Preston, "Mortality & Life Expectancy"
Letters to the Council
OASDI Options, Feb. '95
Fierst Letter re: Ball Proposal
Materials from 2/95 Meeting (folder 1)
Materials from 2/95 Meeting (folder 2)
Studies and Backgroung Material on Retirement Savings
Advisory Council: Bios of Potential Members
Expenses and Fees Billings (various)

Filing Cabinet #7
Additional unprocessed materials from 1994-96 Advisory Council


U.S. Advisory Council on Social Security (1978-1979)

Filing Cabinet #1
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 2nd Meeting, May 11, 1978
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 3rd Meeting, June 8, 1978
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 4th Meeting, July 13, 1978
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 5th Meeting, September 18, 1978
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 6th Meeting, October 16, 1978
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 7th Meeting, November 20, 1978
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 8th Meeting, December 11, 1978
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 9th Meeting, February 2-3, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 10th Meeting, March 11-12, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 11th Meeting, April 8-9, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 12th Meeting, May 11-12, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 13th Meeting, June 10-11, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 14th Meeting, July 6-10, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 15th Meeting, August 10-11, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 16th Meeting, September 7-8, 1979

Filing Cabinet #2
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 17th Meeting, September 21, 1979
Background Materials, Minutes, Etc. 18th Meeting, October 13, 1979